Qualitative traffic indicators analysis and optimization model for traffic operations in urban zone
- 1 Department of Traffic and Transport, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univers ity of Pristina “Hasan Pris tina,” Pristina, Kosovo
- 2 Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina,” Pristina, Kosovo
- 3 Department of Traffic and Transport, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univers ity of Pristina “Hasan Pristina,” Pristina, Kosovo
The greater interest of people living in urban areas has been accompanied by an increase in demand for motorized movements and other forms of active movements in these areas. As a result, traffic problems have been increased extremely for these road users both in terms of the quality of movement and safety. This research is focused on identifying factors related to the quality of motori zed and nonmotorized movements in urban areas, a particular case study of the municipality of Fushe Kosova, and the design of a model for traffic optimization in urban areas. The current approach to prioritizing the solution of motorized traffic problems, especially in d eveloping countries, has proved ineffective because, in the absence of addressing other mobility requirements (pedestrian, cyclist mobility), road users have been encouraged more to use this form of transport, leaving no room for other alternatives. The research aims to apply advanced methods for handling and managing traffic problems based on the principle of inclusion and building a model for optimizing traffic operation based on a specific case. The model is built using the programming language “Synchro,” which enables the analysis, optimization, and simulation of all forms of transport: motorized traffic, movement of pedestrians and cyclists in the road network planned following these requirements. Obtained results show the advantages of using different forms of transport depending on the selected concept and the priority of certain forms of transport. The summary results and their comparison in terms of quality for different time intervals, including the different conditions of access to urban areas, are presented in tabular forms.
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