Study of the effects on engine fuel consumption generated by turbocharger performance

  • 1 Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria


Damage to the turbocharger of the 8400kW diesel engine, which had operated about 66 640 running hours, has caused off hire of the vessel for 10 days and the turbocharger repair had cost more than half a million euros. The study performed on this work consi sts of evaluating the consequences of the low turbocharger performance on the fuel oil consumption and the reasons for this. Specific data were collected and analysed in order to create an appropriate mathematical model between the studied parameters. Measurements and data collected were performed a month before turbocharger damage and after the TC overhaul (with new cartridge). As results can be concluded that losses in turbocharger performance is very important for the efficient operation of the main engine, they must be monitored and analysed.



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