The Possibility of Using Event Data Recorder in the Traffic Accidents Analysis in Republic of Croatia

  • 1 Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences – University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2 Ministry of the Interior, Zagreb, Croatia


Event Data Recorder is a specialized device that is installed in the airbag module of vehicle and is used to monitor vehicle movements in traffic accidents. Access to the data from the Event Data Recorder device is possible only through authorized and certified equipment, which enables the technical and legal credibility of the collected data. Directive EU 2019/2144 of the European Parliament and Council defined that all new type-approvals vehicles after 6 July 2022 must be equipped with an Event Data Recorder device. Accordingly, recently in the Republic of Croatia, data from Event Data Recorder devices have been used more and more often for the purpose of analyzing traffic accidents. Accordingly, this paper will present the possibilities of analyzing traffic accidents using the Event Data Recorder device and the methods by which it is possible to access said data.



  1. UN Regulation No 160 – Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Event Data Recorder. ( /publication/264f8c23-edab-11eb-a71c-01aa75ed71a1)
  2. Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 of the European Parliament and of the Council. (
  3. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/545. ( )
  4. IBb Engineering GmbH. (
  5. Sumpor, V. Possibilities for Determining the Dynamics of Traffic Accidents Using Data from EDR Device. Dissertation. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences; 2018

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