On the way from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: from digital manufacturing to digital society
- 1 Close Joint-stock Company «Knowledge Genesis Group», Russian Federation. Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
- 2 Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Nowadays the world is surviving the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0, which combines physical world of real things with their “virtual twins”. The man with his intellect, creativity and will lies beyond this ideology. Now the image of a new paradigm of Industry 5.0 could be seen. It involves the penetration of Artificial Intelligence in man’s common life, their “cooperation” with the aim of enhancing the man capacity and the return of the man at the “Centre of the Universe”. The paper outlines modern technologies – from IoT up to emergent intelligence, being developed in organizations where authors work. The convergence of these technologies, according to our minds, will provide the transformation from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0.
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