Analysis of the causes that generate traffic accidents
- 1 Faculty Constructions and Installations „Gheorghe Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi
The article describes the causes of serious road accidents, as well as the analysis of the influence of the environment on the safety in circulation. In addition, the road network schemes are subject to analysis, ie to what extent they influence the safety of the road. The geometric elements of the road, the layout, the curves in profile. The route of a road has to provide good guidance through its geometry in space and through the elements in the environment and the longitudinal profile, transversal profile, intersections, visibility analysis during the driving process of a vehicle. Influence of road function on traffic safety. For developed countries, the road network is defined on the basis of the road classification in terms of the function it performs, with a focus on the ability to collect or transit traffic. Influence of road equipment on traffic safety. Influence of running surface characteristics on traffic safety. The ruggedness, flatness and waterproofness of the road surface are absolutely indispensable, ensuring the comfort and safety of the traffic. The influence of the human factor on the safety in circulation. Traffic participant is the first link in the road safety chain. Whatever the technical measures adopted, the effectiveness of road safety policy ultimately depends on the behavior of the traffic participants. Violation of pedestrian traffic rules. The circulation of the means of transport is accompanied by energy waste, in the form of noise and vibration, which also has an influence. The forecasts for the development of the transport network show that the sudden increase in the number of transport units increases the risk of an increase in the number of accidents. The vehicle, its influence on the safety in circulation. According to the data on the distribution of accidents by types of vehicles, we can see that the group with the highest number of accidents is that of cars. Conclusions and recommendations are outlined.
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-…03.06.2015;14784 (Vizitat 8. 04. 2013).