1. General requirements

1.1. Volume: up to 4 pages including the diagrams, photos, tables etc. in English, as it is the official language of Congress. A volume over 6 pages is paid additionally.

1.2. The articles have to be typed in MS WORLD ’97 or newer version with Times New Roman, size 9 pt, page size A4 (210 x 297 mm) in two columns with margins: top 15 mm, bottom 20 mm, left and right 15 mm and 6 mm between the two columns (see the graphic instruction). The pages are without numbers.

2. Title page

(Please see the graphic instruction)

2.1. Title of the article. It has to be typed with capital letters in English. It has to be with font size 13 pt

2.2. Names of the authors. They have to begin with the scientific titles and ranks, followed by the family name then the first letters of the personal name and the surname with capital letters (for example: Prof. Dr Petrov P. – font size 9 pt.)

2.3. Country and the place of employment of authors. There should be indicated: university, institution, company etc., without any further details like department, laboratory etc. followed by the city (town) and the country (Example: Bulgarian Academy of Science1, Technical University-Sofia2, Bulgaria – font size 9 pt). Please type in also the e-mail addresses of the authors.

2.4. Abstract – in English. The summary of the paper should not exceed 8 lines and has to give an idea about the contents of the paper and should be written above the both columns.

2.5. The key words in English have to be not more than ten.

3. The text of the paper

3.1. The text has to be structured in the following sections:

– Introduction;
– Prerequisites and means for solving the problem;
– Solution of the examined problem;
– Results and discussion;
– Conclusion;
– References

The above structure is only a model and in particular cases could be detailed or reduced but the components Introduction, Results of discussion, Conclusion and References are obligatory.

3.2. The titles of the sections have to be, typed in “bold and italic“ – font size 11 pt. Every section has to be numbered according to the international decimal system for determining parts of different ranks: 1, 1.1, 1.2, ……2, 2.1…..3….4. The numbers of the sections have to be written in on the left side. Above every title has to be left free space – one line.

3.3. The graphic components (figures, graphs, and sketches)

3.3.1. Every figure has to be titled: 1) numbering (example: fig. 1, fig 2, etc.); text (example: graphs of the velocity). The explications of the figures have to be on a new line, under the text title of the figure. If they are more than one, they have to be written in consecutively in their arithmetical order separated by semi-colon.

3.3.2. Coordinates. Every coordinate axis should have unit of measure and dimension.

3.3.3. It is desirable the figures to be situated in the column in dimensions not bigger than 85×85 mm. Also they have to be situated near the text where they are described. If the figure is wider than the column, it has to be situated in both columns. If there is an interruption of the column by a graphical component that occupy the whole composition field, the sequence of the text is to be saved in the column, i.e. it has to continue logical up to the lower end of the left column and after that to begin in the upper end of the right column.

3.3.4. If in a figure there are more graphs than one, every graph has to be numbered (even these in different colors) and to be explained in the text under the figure.

3.4. The tables have to include:

3.4.1. The numeration title (table 1) which is situated in the top left.

3.4.2. The text title (Distribution of the forces)

3.4.3. HEADER which has to contain:

– denomination of the contains of the “heel” (the left column witch is usually the numbering of the lines)
– denomination of the contains of the “footer” (the rest columns)

By one degree (one line) header the denominations in it begin with capital letter. By a two degree header, (two lines) the denominations in the second line begin with small letter, if the grammar rules allow it. If the denomination is a dimension (for example %, $ etc.) which is the same in the foot (the column), this dimension has to be written in the header or in the title if it is common to all “footers”.

3.5. For the formulas and the mathematical signs please use the add-on EQUATTION EDITOR which is a part of MS OFFICE WORD INSTALLATION. The formulas have to be numbered in round brackets on the left side. The explanations of the symbols have to be on a new line under the formula and to follow consecutively on one line, separated by point and comma. Example: S =v. t, where Sis the way, v – velocity, t – time. The formula has to be written in italic.

3.6. Terminology, Symbols and Dimensions. It is needed to be used internationally accepted symbols terminology and dimensions.Shortenings used in the paper have to be understandable and universally recognized. The quantitative expressions have to be according to the mathematical rules. For example: three thousand should be written 3000 not 3.000. Quotations in the text have to be in square brackets […].

3.7. References must be at the end of the paper. All reference sources should be mentioned in the text. The forming depends on the kind of the reference source as follows:

3.7.1. If it is a monograph: Ivanov I .Title, town, publishing company, year, (Ivanov, I. , V. Stoianov, P. Petrov). If it is a periodical. Ivanov I Title-Title of the periodical, volume, year, page. Inverting is only the name of the first author (Ivanov, I, V. Stoianov, P. Petrov). If it is Proceedings of conferences, congresses: Ivanov I., in: title of the Proceeding or the event, date and years of taking place, page.