The influence of soil microelements on sulphur content in the spring wheat
- 1 Rumokai Experimental Station, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
- 2 UAB “Agrodema”2, Lithuania
The aim of this research was to identify the impact of soil microelements on sulphur absorption in the spring wheat. The field experiment was conducted in 2011-2015 at the Rumokai Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry on a Bathihypogleyi-Calc(ar)ic Luvisol (LVk-gld-w) with predominant silt loam on clay loam. During the years the research has shown that the sulphur content in leaves and straw was positively influenced by these soil microelements: manganese (correlation coefficients of 0.973**, 0.98** and 0.959**, respectively), molybdenum (correlation coefficients of 0.977**, 0.955** and 0.929**, respectively) and zinc (correlation coefficients of 0.794**, 0.847**, 0.840**, respectively). Larger boron quantity in the soil reduced the sulphur content in the leaves of wheat (correlation coefficients -0.739**, -0.771**, -0.781**). The impact of soil microelements on sulphur content in the grains of spring wheat was not identified in this research. The sulphur content in the grains was strongly influenced by precipitation in June and July months.
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