Digital agriculture: The experience of Ukraine
For example of the implementation of an educational project to train students in the field of digital agriculture technologies is given. The project was implemented at the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University. The equipment was provided by LLC “Agro KMR” for information. An overview of software of Ukrainian and foreign production working in the field of digital agriculture is given. The advantages of using digital agriculture are shown. As an example, the implementation of the functions of differentiated sowing of sunflower by the unit Case IH Magnum 380 + Horsch Maestro 36.50SW, for which sowing maps were developed by students, is given. Sowing was performed in real conditions
It is shown that farmers and owners of agricultural holdings should be more interested in the functioning of such a project than universities – because it significantly optimizes and automates production. Without such technologies in the coming years, agricultural enterprises will begin to lose competitiveness.
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- Tsentr dystantsiynogo testuvannya ta osvity. URL: