Analysis of the effect of periodic pulsations of liquids flow on the heat transferring in a channel with discrete roughness

  • 1 Riga Technical University, Faculty of Building. Heat, Gas and Water Technology Institute.


At the present days the great attention is given to a problem of research of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in the pulsating flows. Experimental studies for the flow in smooth channels show that the pulsation of fluids flow significantly affects to the heat transferring and can be accompanied by both reduction and increasing in the intensity of the heat exchanging. This problem has a big practical importance in the study of unstable processes in a various moving and power plants. The results showed that with unsteady fluid’s flow with a alternating pulsations relative to the average velocity in a discretely rough channel is furthering to the intensification of the heat transferring. It is shown that flow pulsations significantly affecting on the heat transferring coefficient, and its average values. This fact opens up the possibility of using such currents to increase the energy efficiency of various technical devices.



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