System for processing concentrated and non-condensing gases in boilers

  • 1 University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • 2 Institute for Food Research and Development - Plovdiv, Bulgaria


A heat regeneration system is presented for the emptying of the lime boilers in a normally conventional lime-room to reduce the sulphur gases emitted from the blowing tank. The vapor passes through the pipes from the blowing tank to the blowing condensate reservoir for regeneration of valuable secondary heat. Non-condensing gases are discharged from the blowing condensate tank to the gas cooler and then additionally for combustion. The condenser formed in the heat recovery condenser is led to the sewer. Heat recovery system for the emptying of the lime boilers reduces both gas emissions and energy costs



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  2. Kirwan Mark J. Handbook of Paper and Paperboard Packaging Technology, New York, United States, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2013.

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