Investigation of the influence of fulleren-containing oils on tribotechnical characteristics

  • 1 Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • 2 Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University; Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • 3 Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • 4 Central Ukrainian National Technical University


The influence of fullerenes’ soot concentration, which added to oil М10г2к on few tribotechnical characteristics «steel-steel» was investigated. It was found, that optimal volume of fullerene soot in the oil was 0,1% of the weight. At this level of concentration can be seen the lowest values of coefficient of friction – 0,045, and intense of linear wearing – 2,7×10-9. Through optical investigation the participation of fullerene soot in surface forming mechanism and saturated with carbon was confirmed, it provided an increase in tribotechnical characteristics of the samples.



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