The Use of Metaverse System And Virtual Reality In The Simulation Assesment Of Human behavior during threats inside buildings
- 1 WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
The article The article describes a simulation experiment to assess human behavior during threats inside buildings, using Metaverse systems and virtual reality (VR). The study was carried out on a model of a real building, where avatars controlled by users simulated responses to crises. This approach has several advantages over the traditional use of NPCs (non-player characters). Usercontrolled avatars enable a more realistic representation of behavior, as participants can make decisions in real time depending on the developing situation. Unlike NPCs, whose reactions are pre-programmed and predictable, human-controlled interactions introduce an element of unpredictability and authenticity, better reflecting real human reactions. Thanks to Metaverse and VR systems, it is possible to precisely reproduce building interiors and threat scenarios, which allows for analyzing various evacuation strategies and behaviors in stressful situations. In addition, experiment participants can repeatedly participate in various simulations, which increases the scope of collected data and allows for a more comprehensive analysis. The article emphasizes that using Metaverse and VR systems for simulations with users brings significant benefits to research on security and crisis management. This approach allows for the creation of more realistic models of human behavior, which are key to improving evacuation procedures and responses to threats inside buildings. The study presents the results of research carried out based on an original solution implemented in the Metaverse environment.
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