Numerical results of CFD simulations for full-scale ship-shape body motion in deep and shallow water
The objective of the simulations is to calculate the total resistance and visualize the flow around a bare hull of a boat motion in deep and shallow water. Ship resistance is an important issue for ensuring smooth propulsion in various speeds in open sea and especially in the increasing influence of shallowness. Subcritical speed range in open shallow water is the main interest regime. A limited number of cases in critical and supercritical speed regions are applied in computations for comparison. For the full-scale bare ship-shape body resistance tests, computational fluid dynamics techniques and SST k-omega turbulence viscous model were employed. All calculations were carried out considering the influence of the free surface effect in a fluid. For convenience of mesh generation, an automated structured polyhedral meshing was adopted for the delicate curved surface and the domain. CFD solver interFoam – OpenFOAM, is applied to execute all computations in this article. The numerical model was initially built in FreeCAD, an open computer aided design (CAD) software and discretized in the cfMesh, a library implemented on top of the OpenFOAM framework. Post-processing is performed within ParaView, an application for scientific visualization. All software is free.