Organic combination of converging NBIC-technologies and smart temp advanced technologies of Industry 4.0

  • 1 Department of International Economic Relations, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


The paper is devoted to research of convergent technologies as a key factor in solving global problems in the new industrial revolution. It is shown that the concepts of the new industrial revolution, which today are widely used by Western scientists, also envisage the convergence of sciences and technologies and the creation of advanced manufacturing technologies on their basis. It is only possible to launch Industry-based trends in Industry 4.0 through the introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies based on convergent technologies. The approach to the periodization of scientific and technical development, which links the economic, technological and socio-political factors of development, as well as characterizes the structure of the sixth technological structure, the vision of the content of the new industrial revolution based on the organic combination of convergent NBIC-technologies with key factors, as well as approaches to solving global mankind issues are proposed.



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