Concept of parametric design and fast 3D printing of individual shoes

  • 1 Art Modeling Design and Technology of Leather Products department, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin, Moscow


A personalized approach to printing individual shoes is possible due to the availability of laser scanning of the feet and professional interpretation of the results. Based on preliminary diagnostics of the condition of the musculoskeletal system in areas of high pressure in the feet, it is possible to identify problems associated with pain in the joints of the lower extremities and lumbosacral, abnormalities and asymmetries of their structure. It is also possible to timely relieve ankle, knee, femoral joints, lumbosacral spine, correct posture and gait, reduce joint pain, prevent surgery on joints of the lower extremities and lumbosacral spine, monitor the dynamics of changes in the rehabilitation period.
The task of effective prevention and early diagnosis of problems of the musculoskeletal system can be solved with the targeted popularization of individual shoes and orthopedic insoles among the population, as well as its accessibility thanks to additive technologies, databases of parametric digital models, an established production and technological cycle and a flexible client-oriented service , including protocols for remote and virtual interaction between production and the end user.
However, shoes printed on a 3-D printer, so far, are not attractive to consumers or manufacturers. Mass production of shoes is still much faster and cheaper, although initially it was assumed that the introduction of additive technologies will significantly reduce the cost and time costs, but so far this has not happened for several reasons. In our country, there is a shortage of specialists in digital technologies, 3Dmodeling and printing. In addition, as elsewhere in the world, equipment for fast 3D printing has a very high cost and only giants such as Adidas or Nike can create real production of printed products. However, it is a matter of time. The area of additive technologies is attracting more and more medium and small firms, individual designers, because 3D printing allows you to achieve unexpected and revolutionary results, as well as provide customized solutions at an affordable price.



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