Analysis of Public Sentiments and Emotions in the Government Domain
- 1 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- 2 Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Digitalization of public services is a key component in the development of e-government. Citizens’ opinion, needs and overall satisfaction with the provided services are key to the successful implementation of digital transformation across the government sector. Hence, for policy makers it is highly important to develop efficient methods for analyzing public opinion. The main aim of this paper is to use unconventional apparatus to mine public opinion in the Bulgarian government sector. The proposed approach relies on the application of natural language processing and text mining techniques. The study aims at discovering the sentiments and emotions freely expressed by citizens in popular social media websites in Bulgaria. Several topics of public interest are analyzed and insights on public perception of aspects of Bulgarian e-government are derived. Furthermore, benefits and limitations of using sentiment lexicons for mining public opinion are outlined.
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