Highway monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle with machine vision.

  • 1 TTK Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Estonia


An increasing number of drones with a specific purpose are being developed globally. They are used in agriculture for crop monitoring and spraying, as well as in national defence, border control, etc. Time-consuming and expensive monitoring and tracking activities can be performed more efficiently in terms of time, cost and safety. The aim of this research is to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform equipped with onboard artificial intelligence capability for automated monitoring of roads and roadsides. Roadside monitoring is intended for road sections where the presence of a human supervisor is unreasonable or limited by safety standards. The UAV will be set to fly along a predetermined route without pilot intervention. By using machine vision, road sections where defects have appeared are identified and recorded for later human inspection. The solution developed as a result of this study can be adapted for industrial use, for example, maintenance monitoring of conveyors or large storage areas on the premises of factories.



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