The influence of long-term agricultural use of soils of the dry subtropical zone of Azerbaijan on its morphological and agrochemical properties
The aim of the research was to study the influence of natural vegetation and intermediate sowings of fodder crops on the formation in the profile of (WRB, 1998) Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols and Irrigated Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols soils of the dry-steppe and semi-desert zones of Azerbaijan genetic horizons. It has been established that significant morphological changes are common to the thickness of the humus horizon, the depth of carbonates and agrochemical parameters of the studied soils. Their maximum values in the arable layer are established in Irrigated Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols soils under the collection of 3 green mass crops per year from 1 ha: the thickness of the humus horizon increased to 0.25 and 0.27 cm, respectively, humus – up to 2.73 and 3.00%, the amount of absorbed bases – up to 25.71 and 30,80 mg-eq / 100 g of soil, mobile phosphorus – up to 30.9 and 34,00 and exchange potassium – up to 317.3 and 423,1 mg / 100 g of soil. In accordance with the WRB system (2015), Irrigated Gypsisols can be classified – Irragric Cambisols (Protocalcic, Clayic), and Gleyic Calsisols – Irragric Gleyic Calcisols (Calcic, Loamic).