The influence of long-term agricultural use of soils of the dry subtropical zone of Azerbaijan on its morphological and agrochemical properties

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 66 (2020), Issue 5, pg(s) 169-172

    The aim of the research was to study the influence of natural vegetation and intermediate sowings of fodder crops on the formation in the profile of (WRB, 1998) Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols and Irrigated Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols soils of the dry-steppe and semi-desert zones of Azerbaijan genetic horizons. It has been established that significant morphological changes are common to the thickness of the humus horizon, the depth of carbonates and agrochemical parameters of the studied soils. Their maximum values in the arable layer are established in Irrigated Gypsisols and Gleyic Calsisols soils under the collection of 3 green mass crops per year from 1 ha: the thickness of the humus horizon increased to 0.25 and 0.27 cm, respectively, humus – up to 2.73 and 3.00%, the amount of absorbed bases – up to 25.71 and 30,80 mg-eq / 100 g of soil, mobile phosphorus – up to 30.9 and 34,00 and exchange potassium – up to 317.3 and 423,1 mg / 100 g of soil. In accordance with the WRB system (2015), Irrigated Gypsisols can be classified – Irragric Cambisols (Protocalcic, Clayic), and Gleyic Calsisols – Irragric Gleyic Calcisols (Calcic, Loamic).


    The influence of bioorganic preparations on plant productivity and soil quality

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 65 (2019), Issue 4, pg(s) 146-149

    The global problem is that despite even the best efforts to eat a healthy balanced diet, most of our food sources no longer contain all necessary micronutrients, fulvic, humic and bio-active organic acids, minerals and other phytonutrients our bodies need to stay healthy because of soil degradation due to intensive industrial agriculture practics. Degraded soils cause poor nutrition value plants and poor nutrition value food cause human physical and mental degeneration. One of the ways to solve the problem is humic and fulvic acid preparations. The field experiment was conducted in 2016-2017 at the Rumokai Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry on a Bathihypogleyi-Calc(ar)ic Luvisol (LVk-gld-w) with predominant silt loam on clay loam. Mineral Ful and Ferbanat L were tested in the experiment. Mineral Ful is a high bioactive fulvic complex with 33 organic acids, and over 70 micronutrients that is free of chemicals. Mineral Ful produced water extraction method of leonardite. Ferbanat L contain humic and fulvic acids, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, micro and macro elements and beneficial soil microorganism. The preparation obtained by the result of the transformations of organic waste by used of the worms. Test preparations had the influence on humus content in the soil. Mineral Ful and Ferbanat L increased sugar beets root yield from 1.33 to 7.11 t ha-1. Cereal grain yield increased 2.6-1.,0 %.


    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 62 (2016), Issue 1, pg(s) 29-31

    At a choice of an optimum way of machining of soil each land owner pursues one main aim – creation an optimum arable layer for cultivation of crops. Cultivation of soil finds the display in three systems: moldboard tillage, moldboardless tillage and no-till. The ad- vantages and shortcomings are inherent in each system. The right choice will provide preservation and improvement of physical and chemi- cal properties and increase of fertility of soil, and it is one of the most important problems in the production of agricultural crops. The pur- pose of researches is improvement of quality of mechanical cultivation of soil, decrease in power expenses as a result of use of the boardless- subsoiler implement which can carry out at the same time two operations: loosening of surface layer of soil and decompaction of its lower layer. Scientists of university developed and patented soil-cultivating working body which carries out the moldboardless tillage of upper layer with a simultaneous decompaction of the lower layer by means of subsoiler. The offered boardless-subsoiler implement by loosening the top layer of soil and decompaction of the lower horizon, allows to keep crop residues on a surface of a tilled field and to loosen the lower layers of soil, providing the necessary water-air regime. Mechanical cultivation of the soil this boardless-subsoiler implement respond to criteria of quality of soil cultivation. Extent of crushing of the soil is lie in limits of necessary value, the sizes of structural units of the soil is 8-10mm. Forming of a necessary equilibrium condition of the soil on a depth of cultivation supports good germination of a root system and to increase in productivity of the grown-up cultures. Such processing most meets the agrotechnical requirements at growing crops such as sunflower, corn, sugar beet. The offered way of soil cultivation provides fuel savings of up to 10 kg per hectare due to reduction of number of operations. The energy intensity of technology process decreases to 50% due to reduction of number of technology operations for the prepa- ration of the soil.