Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Sleep Signals Using a Portable and Cost-Effective Oculograph

  • 1 Institute of Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2 Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria


The study of sleep is crucial for understanding various physiological and neurological processes, yet research on different sleep phases often comes with high costs and requires specialized equipment. To address these challenges, we developed a portable and relatively inexpensive oculograph, which enables more accessible sleep studies. A critical technical aspect of using the device is the necessity for mathematical transformations to interpret the signals generated by eye movements, which are often complex and prone to noise. We implemented several mathematical procedures for noise reduction, signal filtering, and the extraction of key signal features. To assess the accuracy of the oculograph, we conducted 10 daytime experiments with predefined protocols involving specific eye movements. The results indicate that the oculograph successfully measures eye movements with high precision, which was further validated through comparison with graphical signal representations. Moreover, we performed tests for nighttime use of the device, and validation of REM sleep signals is planned using a camera to record the subject during sleep. These promising outcomes suggest significant potential for the oculograph to help sleep research by offering a more affordable and mobile solution, suitable for both laboratory and home environments. The mathematical procedures and signal processing techniques presented here are tailored to the needs of psychological and medical sleep studies. Additionally, practical applications of the oculograph for targeted sleep research, including tracking eye movements during various sleep stages, are proposed.



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