Determination Of Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Hydrocarbon Gas Based On Field Data
- 1 Specialist in the sector of development programs in the oil field Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Tiranë, Albania
The fluids that are present in the underground reservoirs of oil and gas, both in the initial conditions and in the exploitation conditions of the reservoir, experience different phase behavior. All these are accompanied by different physico-chemical parameters, the determination of which plays an important role in the hydrodynamic study of the well or the reservoir as a whole. The fluids released from the formation change over time due to the change in the phase state of the fluids, their material and energy balance. In this study, based on the field data obtained during the exploitation of the oil and gas bearing bed, the physico-chemical parameters of the gas were determined based on the correlations derived from the various experimental studies carried out in the world.
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