3-phase motor speed regulator based on microcontroller and intelligent power driver controller

  • 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University „„Goce Delcev‟‟-Stip, Macedonia
  • 2 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University „„Ss Cyril and Methodius‟‟-Skopje, Macedonia


This paper describes the design and practical implementation of speed controller for 3-phase induction motor based on ATmega 2560 microcontroller. Based on the theoretical analysis of the induction motor, are defined the requirements that the controller should satisfy them. Then, based on the specificity of the selected controller, the operating mode of the ATmega 2560 controller is designed. The specificity of this solution is that the driver circuit, which is connected between the controller and the motor, is realized with an intelligent power controller. Finally, the results of the practical work of this motor controller are given.



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