Musical thinking of musicians-educators in the context of artistic interpretive culture

  • 1 National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Kyiv, Ukraine


The art of interpretation was being developed intensively at a time when composer and performer were tend to be more and more independence, and the performer gain the opportunity to interpret the works of other authors. The formation of the interpretive culture of a music teacher affects the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and conveying to students the valuable meanings of art. Achieving a good result in the process of creating interpretation helps musical thinking, which consists in processing, evaluating and creating new musical information and is expressed in the ability to understand and analyze what is heard, mentally imagine and operate elements of musical language, evaluate music and sound quality. The article explores the artistic and musical thinking of musicians-teachers in the context of interpretive culture. The article defines musical thinking as a process of modeling the system of relations of the subject to reality realized in intonation. Artistic thinking is a necessary prerequisite for any other mental activity of a musician-performer, because this mental activity is his reworked result. Musical thinking must be studied simultaneously from three aspects: as an example of identifying the general patterns of any thinking, as one of the types of artistic thinking and as a manifestation of specific characteristics of musical information.



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