Mankind faces a number of challenges in the 21st century. Many of them are related to the achievement of the goals and ideas set in the concept of sustainable development of modern UN society. The bio-sector, which is developing within the borders of the Bulgarian economy, has undergone rapid development in the last few years. Many factors have influenced this process, the most sign ificant of which are: increased demand for organic products in international markets, high levels of public support for this type of production and the availability of favorable climatic conditions for their development. Innovation is the main tool for achieving competitiveness and economic growth at all levels – enterprise, industry, region or country. They are the fundamental means of improving people’s quality of life. The purpose of this report is to present the results of a survey conducted among bio-enterprises in the regions of Bulgaria and to show that the green innovation in the bio-sectors is the foundation for regional economic, social and environmental prosperity. The results of the study summarize the main directions for achieving regionally balanced sustainable development.