International Scientific Journal Science. Business. Society.

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Current Issue
Vol. 9 (2024), Issue 2

Editorial board

Editor In Chief

Assoc. Prof. Mina Angelova, BG

Responsible Secretary

Assoc. Prof. Hristo Karamishev, BG

Editorial Board

  • Assoc.Prof. Aleksader Kostikj, Macedonia
  • Prof. Detlef Redlich, Germany
  • Assoc. Prof. Dzhavit Kuramshin, Russia
  • Prof. Elizabeta Hristovska, Macedonia
  • Prof. Garo Mardirosian, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Georgi Bahchevanov, Bulgaria
  • Assoc. Prof. Georgi Pandev, Bulgaria
  • Colonel Prof. Dr. Eng. Iliyan Lilov, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Iurii Bazhal, Ukraine
  • Prof. Kosta Mitreski, Macedonia
  • Prof. Lyubomir Lazov, Latvia
  • Dr. Macej Huczko, Poland
  • Assoc. Prof.  Maryna Chaikovska, Ukraine
  • Prof. Miho Mihov, Bulgaria
  • Assoc. Prof.  Nikolay Dolgov,  Ukraine
  • Prof. Ognyan Andreev, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Olga Kuznetsova, Russia
  • Prof. Sabina Sesic, Bosnia and Hertzegovina
  • Prof. Senol Yelmaz, Turkey
  • Assoc. Prof.  Sergey Lezhnev, Kazakhstan
  • Prof. Shaban Buza, Kosovo
  • Assoc. Prof. Shuhrat Fayzimatov, Uzbekistan
  • Prof. Sveto Cvetkovski, Macedonia
  • Assoc. Prof. Svilen Rachev, Bulgaria
  • Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Yegorova-Gudkova, Ukraine
  • Prof. Teymuraz Kochadze, Georgia
  • Assoc. Prof.  Valeriy Sorokin, Belarus
  • Assoc. Prof.  Vedran Mrzljak, Croatia
  • Assoc. Prof. Veselin Bosakov, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Vladimir Semenov, Russia
  • Assoc.Prof. Vladimir Zhavoronkov, Ukraine
  • Prof. Yuriy Kuznetsov Ukraine
  • Prof. Zhaken Kuanyshbaev, Kazakhstan

Thematic Fields


    • Basic trends and guidelines in the development of modern science and technology as a dominant factor in the humanity’s development.
    • Intellectual industrial technologies. Advanced machine-building technologies. Laser, plasma, ultrasonic, radiation and optic technologies. Additive technologies and additive production. Digital production of optimal products of metal, polymers, composites and ceramics.
    • Virtual engineering technologies and simulations. Information and computer technologies. Robotics, artificial intelligence, radio-electronics, instrument engineering. Communication and navigation engineering и technologies. Mathematical modeling and supercomputer engineering.
    • Materials, structures, systems – SMART technologies. Powder and plasma metallurgy, rigid-body physics, rigid-body mechanics and rigid-body chemistry. Composition materials and coatings, strengthening technologies. Nanotechnologies, nanoelectronics, nanometrology, nano-equipment and nanoindustry.
    • Ecologically clean technologies. Waste treatment. Solar and hydrogen power engineering. Energy recuperation.
    • Research, design, use and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Sustainable development and environmental aspects of agricultural production. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.
    • Geology and geophysics. Mining and processing of mineral raw materials. Mechanization, electrification and automation in mines.
    • Research and improving the operational performance of vehicles. Efficiency, safety and sustainable transport. Electric vehicles and eco mobility. Diagnostics and repair of transport vehicles.
    • Creation of new and advanced design and process management in the oil refining and petrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, plastic and rubber, paper, textile, leather, pharmaceutical and others industries. Creation of new highly effective materials for the technique and household by using organic and inorganic technologies.
    • Education – the role of technological thinking to the development of humanity. Language Technology.

    • Business strategies and management strategies. Industrial management. Engineering and reengineering. Project management and risk management. Technology entrepreneurship and business intelligence. Organizational behavior and leadership.
    • Market, competitiveness, finances. System principles of competitiveness management in the high-tech branch.
    • Innovation activity and innovation development. Innovation management functions. Methods and forms. Planning and forecasting. Innovation management theory and practice. Conflict management in innovation processes.
    • Innovation entrepreneurship. Innovation projects. Investment management in innovation processes. Market realization of innovation products. Intellectual property. Education. Innovation games. Upskilling models. The role of human factor in innovation activities.
    • Nonlinear processes, system analysis and applied synergetics. Synergetic, geopolitical and geo-economic analysis of the problems of targeted development of competitiveness and finances.

    • Economic freedom. Civil society and democracy. Information society. Philosophy of information.
    • Infrastructure of the knowledge economy. Effective government authorities, high-quality education, effective fundamental science, high-quality people capital, production of knowledge and high technologies.
    • Financial, political, legislative, social and international aspects of development of higher and secondary, general and technical education, fundamental and applied researches, high technologies and high-tech industry.
    • Innovation, credit and tax policy of the government as a determining factor for development of economy, finances and industry. The role of the legislative, the executive and the legal power, the public and the private sector of industry, business, banks and stock exchanges in the development and protection of the results of fundamental and applied researches, high technologies and high-tech industry.
    • Education, fundamental and applied researches, high technologies and high-tech industry as factors for national security, people’s quality of life and protection of their rights. Public security, corporative and individual security. Security systems.
    • Ergonomics and design. Parenting of aesthetics and culture.