IIoT and cyber security in industrial enterprises

  • 1 Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria


Digital transformation and sustainable development are key concepts that are actively developing in modern business and society. They go hand in hand, creating opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce the negative impact on the environment and increase people’s quality of life. The Industrial Internet of Things is a powerful tool for connecting industrial devices, sensors, and equipment to a network to improve monitoring, analysis, and process automation. With the increasing digitization of business in recent years, cyber-attacks are also on the rise. To protect against such actions, organizations need cybersecurity technology solutions, as well as reliable tools to detect, prevent, and respond to cybersecurity breaches. This publication presents an exploration of the combination and interconnectedness of IIoT and cybersecurity in industrial enterprises, which are necessary to keep these systems secure and protected from cyber threats. A conceptual framework for multi-layered cyberattack defense designed for industrial enterprises is proposed.



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