The determination of utilization levels of industrial 4.0 technologies a review on garment enterprises operating in Trabzon

  • 1 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences-Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon – Turkey


The enterprises in today’s competition environment should obtain and use the technological production systems, qualified, and proper information media that industry 4.0 conditions necessitate. Because a new rival firm may start to use smart factory technology in every new day. In this research, some of the ready-made enterprises in Trabzon were examined by semi-structured face to face interview and natural observation techniques to determine the utilization levels of industrial 4.0 technologies. Besides, this research made suggestions for those enterprises about the innovations that can perform in the future. In conclusion, it can be understood that whether the enterprises reviewed have the operation and employee structure to use the smart factory system. The enterprises need to apply the lean production necessities into internal processes by vertical integration; afterward, the same enterprises need to apply the agile manufacturing strategies in the external processes by the horizontal integration to start to use industry 4.0.



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