Testing of the synthetic model for transport demand and for forecast on vehicles, the case stady

  • 1 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, Macedonia


Choosing a model, shaping and using a model represent a sensitive stage of the transport system planning process. Considering the fact that contemporary software packages exist, based on modern technology and long – term experience it is decided to rely on the software package PTV Vision VISUM, for forecast in the traffic in Bitola town. Synthetic model is designed by this software package, modeling is done on existing situation and model’s calibration. In this paper will be represented testing on the model for transport demand for the city of Bitola, their validation.



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  7. PTV America, VISUM User Manual, Version 7.50. 2. MODEL DESCRlPTlON. 2.1. Network Model. 2-3. 2.1.1. Transport systems, April 2001.

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