Thermodynamic analysis of three-cylinder steam turbine from combined cycle power plant

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia


The paper present thermodynamic analysis of three-cylinder steam turbine, which operates in a combined cycle power plant. It is performed analysis of each turbine cylinder and of entire steam turbine. Comparison of steam turbine cylinders shows that intermediate pressure cylinder develops the highest real power and has the highest efficiencies while low pressure cylinder has the highest ideal (isentropic) power, the highest loses and the lowest efficiencies – therefore, improvement potential of the low pressure cylinder is the highest. Entire observed steam turbine has an energy efficiency equal to 86.58 % and exergy efficiency equal to 89.26 %, what is lower in
comparison to high power steam turbines from some conventional land-based steam power plants but also higher in comparison to low power marine steam turbines.



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