Process flow problems and perspectives upon radioactive metal waste processing
- 1 Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro-and Aerodynamics Center ―Acad. A. Balevski‖ at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
In the process of decommissioning of nuclear power facilities large metal waste quantities are generated which have to be processed in an appropriate manner. An optimal approach, adopted in a world-wide scale, is their meltdown at the final stage of treatment. Depending on the residual radioactive contamination, metal obtained thereafter may be directed for application in the industries, without limitations, or used on restricted purposes (production of radioactive waste containers, bio-protection means, etc.).
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- Zachar Matej, Application of Metal Melting Technology in Radioactive Materials Clearance Process During the Nuclear Installation Decommissioning, 01 Február, 2010, Prírodné vedy, Ročník 3, číslo 2, Portál pre odborné publikovanie ISSN 1338-0087