Risk assessment for the production process

  • 1 The Institute of Plastic Working and Safety Engineering, The Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland


Risk management constitutes currently one of the most important elements of the management of an enterprise, which is crucial to its security and continuous improvement. This is a several-stage process, and its implementation should systematic and principled in character. The article sets out the risk assessment for activities performed in conjunction with individual operations of a manufacturing process, and specifically, the book production process. The risk assessment was preceded by the identification of hazards to technological, transport and control operations, followed by their analysis using an indicator method. Operations have been identified, which are characterized by the highest risk, and preventive and prophylactic actions using various control measures (technical, organizational, legal, individual and collective) have been proposed. Risk assessment for a task is a primary outline for the use and implementation of risk management issues that go beyond the commercial risk assessment in an enterprise.



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