Studies to establish the evapotranspiration of strawberries grown in open areas

  • 1 Institute of Soil Science, AgroTechnology and Plant Protection “Nikola Pushkarov", Sofia, Bulgaria


Evapotranspiration of strawberry, remontant variety “Polka” (field production) was established in a three-year field experiment (2011-2013) drip irrigation on leached cinnamon forest soil in the area of the village of Chelopechene, Sofia region. Various irrigation regimes have been tested – from full satisfaction of the daily needs of the crop from water to irrigation with reduced by 20% and 40% irrigation rates.
On average for the research period the size of the total evapotranspiration for the vegetation period of strawberry is 240 mm, as its main part is formed by the irrigation norm – 58%, and the rest of the precipitation – 42%. The average daily values vary by ten days, with the highest values reaching the first and second ten days of June (harvest period). Values of the biophysical coefficient Z necessary for determining the design irrigation regime and forecasting the time for irrigation of the crop have been determined.


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