Determınatıon of the dust concentratıon of hazelnut threshıng machınes
- 1 Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering
This study was carried out to determine the dust concentration values formed in the environment during the use of hazelnut threshing machines, determine the effects on the employees, and reveal solution suggestions to reduce the dust concentration value. The most distinctive difference that distinguishes Turkish hazelnut varieties from other country varieties is that the fruit husks of Turkish varieties are long and tightly wrap the fruit, and threshing is required. During the threshing process, dust particles (fine soil, sand, husk and grass particles, Etc.) are dispersed intensively from the husk-blowing unit of the machine and the air outlet of the fan. A handheld particle measuring device with a particle size range of 0.3…5 μm was used to determine the dust concentration emitted from the machine to the atmosphere during the blending process. As a result of the measurements, dust concentrations of PM1 (1 μm), PM2.5 (2.5 μm), and PM5 (5 μm) were determined in μg/m3 air. The dust levels formed in the environment during the hazelnut threshing machines were compared by considering the dust concentration threshold limit of 4 mg/m3 air specified in the occupational health and safety legislation and regulations.
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