Analysis of the point group of diamond crystal

  • 1 Grodno, Belarus, Faculty of physics and technology– Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus,
  • 2 Faculty of Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering – Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus,
  • 3 University of Ruse – Bulgaria


The structure of the diamond is usually represented as two face-centered cubic cell with the same dimensions, which are shifted relative to each other by the value of +/-(1/4.1/4.1/4) That is eight different ways. However, in this case, there is a possibility of only two enantiomorphous centers, which have the same ф (hkl ) j . They do not affect on the reciprocal lattice, but allow to explain, for example, the presence of twins. The introduction of the concept of the scattering center of diamond shows that his point group is Fm3m with the full symmetry formula 3L44L3(4L3i)6L29PC, whereas the generally accepted model of the diamond structure does not correspond to such symmetry. For example, the L4 axis is missing, C is not at the origin of coordinates, there is only one L3 axis along the diagonal along which the sublattices are shifted, etc.



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