Perspective development tendencies of electron beam technology in precision instruments industry
- 1 Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine;
- 2 Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl , Ukraine
Perspective development tendencies of electron-beam technology in precise instruments industry were introduced and after them the following results were obtained: 1. Capacity expansion of electron-beam technology in the optical-electronic instruments industry for obtaining high-quality curved surfaces and the creation of functional microprofiles on them of different geometric forms. A new method of more accurate and reliable processing of curved surfaces of optical elements (concave, buckled, spherical, cylindrical, etc.) was developed for this purpose. 2. Electron-beam surfaces processing of elements from piezoelectric ceramics. Modern production technologies of piezoelectric products are based on the known methods of mechanical, chemical and chemical-mechanical processing of the surfaces of piezoelectric materials, in particular ceramics. The main drawback of these methods is the impossibility of getting high electromechanical and strength characteristics of products from piezoelectric ceramics, which requires additional processing of these products. Electronradiation technology was used to exclude the mentioned negative defects on the surface of elements from piezoelectric ceramics. 3. Electronbeam processing of nanosized oxide coatings on optical elements. Nanosized oxide coating, which represent the composition of oxides SnO2, Bi2O3, TiO2, ZnO, SiO2, Al2O3 , are applied for improvement of wear resistance, reduction of radiation and convective components of thermal losses on optical elements of precision instruments industry. Thus, the resulting coatings are heterogeneous, contain hidden microdefects (cracks, chips, etc.), the surface contains significant microroughnesses and low microhardness, etc. All this reduces the performance characteristics of these coatings. Their electron beam processing was used for elimination of the mentioned shortcomings and improvement of the quality of these coatings.
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