Implementing Industry 4.0 solution with legacy informational systems
- 1 Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
This paper discusses a case of implementing Industry 4.0 solutions with existing legacy informational system in cement-producing factory. One of the main reasons the company wants to keep its existing ERP solution is because is too complex and cannot be ported to a contemporary computer architecture. The plant also needs to automate and modernize the process of loading their products, but the company management does not want to invest in modern computer servers and a new ERP system. That’s why they decided to implement a hybrid solution – a modern Industry 4.0 IoT devices with .NET client application using the existing legacy DEC Alpha as a server. Here, the required technologies used for developing that software solution are overviewed and all parts of the software solution are described. Finally, the benefits and effectiveness of such a hybrid software solution are shown.
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