Marketing of agricultural innovations within EU Horizon 2020’s RRI concept – an integrated marketing communications perspective
- 1 Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
Modern agriculture has been causing a headache for researchers worldwide for a long time, due to the necessity of more food to support the growing global society, that brought with it environmental and economic problems that highlight issues that weren’t acknowledged prior to their emergence. Solution is necessary, and one of the few possible tools in resolving the inadequacies is innovation. Therefore, the EU introduced RRI (responsible research and innovation) as a pillar of innovation it wishes to lean on post 2020, to support and increase the efficiency of innovation, while dedicating significant funding to agricultural innovation. Our study aims to explore the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of agricultural innovation using integrated marketing communications as a supporting tool. Agricultural innovators were asked to provide input via deep interviews, and a questionnaire was conducted to test the application of the concept of using integrated marketing communications as the method of increasing RRI efficiency for agricultural innovation.
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