Control-relevant identification of the DC engine coupled with a reaction wheel
- 1 Technical University of Moldova, The Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
This paper proposes to estimate the mathematical model of the DC motor coupled with a reaction wheel in two ways: open-loop identification and closed-loop identification. For open-loop identification, the experimental curve is approximated with the model of object with inertia first order, and inertia second order. In the case of closed-loop identification, it was obtained the model with inertia third order, that approximates the dynamic of the process, where the coefficients are calculated based on the simple analytical expressions according to the values that are extracted from the undamped step response of the closed-loop system with P controller. The results of the experimental model estimation were compared with the results obtained using the System Identification Toolbox from MATLAB. In addition, to the identified object model, it was proposed to tune a PID controller based on the maximum stability degree criterion.
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