Studying the composition and properties of white eco-cement

  • 1 Chernyak 1, Nataliia Dorogan 2, Liubov Melnyk 3, Petro Varshavets.4, Victoria Pakhomova 5 National Technical University of Ukraine" Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyiv, Ukraine


The possibility to produce white Eco-cement with the use of a dry method under low-temperature firing of a raw material mixture based on the CaO – SiO2 – Al2O3 – MgO system is shown. Computer calculations were performed and an analysis of the dependence of the characteristics of cement clinker on the quantitative ratio of raw components was carried out. A new composition of the raw material mixture with a decrease of 19 wt. % amount of the carbonate component and, accordingly, CO2 emissions during combustion was determined. The peculiarities of phase transformations in the material during firing with a maximum temperature of 1100 ᵒС when microtalcum was introduced into the initial mixture with the formation of pericloze, ockermanite and merwinite as a factor in the structure and properties of cement clinker were noted.



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