Optical properties of polymer-CNT thin films

  • 1 G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine


The influence of external factors (heat treatment, high pressure) on the optical properties of the samples was analyzed. It was established that samples of pure PTFE4 after the specified external influence increase their throughput, while the largest increase in throughput is observed for samples that were obtained under high pressure, and for samples that were subjected to heat treatment during synthesis, an increase in throughput is characteristic ability with increasing synthesis temperature. For PTFE-4 composites from 5 wt. % CNT (film thickness h=200 μm) samples become opaque in the wavelength range λ=320-1000 nm and regardless of the method of their production, which indicates the possibility of using such materials as absorbing coatings.



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