Synthesis of energy-efficient control methods of the electromechanical disintegrator operating modes

  • 1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine


The present trend in the development of highly efficient technological equipment for the production of nanomaterials is being analysed. It is associated with the synthesis of energy-efficient control methods for the operating modes of electromechanical disintegrator of multifactorial action. As a result of genetic modelling, the deterministic relationship between the genetic information of generative electromechanical chromosomes, structure of the resulting magnetic flux in the active zone of electromechanical disintegrator and its functional operating modes has been established. According to the results of structural synthesis, methods for technical implementation of energy-efficient modes of material processing, which ensure the increase of productivity of the electromechanical disintegrator, have been optimized and developed. The credibility of theoretical results was confirmed by experimental studies.



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