Overview and analysis of the development of uranium mining in the Republic of Bulgaria

  • 1 National Military University „Vasil Levski“, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
  • 2 National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


A historical aspect of uranium mining in Bulgaria has been made until its eradication in 1992. Described are the measures taken pursuant to Decree-Law No. 74 / 27.03.1998 on the liquidation of the consequences of uranium mining and processing and the gaps to be eliminated in this regard. Up to the end of uranium mining in 1992, the annual uranium yield was 660-680 t, of which 430 t was obtained by geotechnical method – drilling with drilling of the sand-type uranium. They are poor in uranium (below 0.05%), but with a few times cheaper yields (an average of $ 40 / kg for 1970-1990). Possible new uranium extraction from this type of field and mine wastewater could reach 350 t per year at a value not exceeding 80 $ / kg. It is possible to investigate and prove 40-50 000 tons of new uranium ore deposits in Bulgaria mainly in the sand-type deposits at a depth of up to 650 m.



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