Structure of the Model of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Efficiency

  • 1 Department of Transport Equipment, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport,Sofia, Bulgaria


The hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are promising vehicles with low exhaust emissions and increased autonomy of movement including internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric motor (EM) which is powered by the battery (B) . The main advantage of HEV over classic cars is the reduced fuel consumption, especially in urban traffic [1]. This is a prerequisite for good energy efficiency of HEV, which is determined by the fuel consumption and consumption, respectively the regeneration of electricity of HEV. These values depend on many factors such as speed, mileage, acceleration, mass, drag, climatic conditions and more. The modelling of the energy efficiency of HEV is related to the study and structuring of the factors that determine the fuel consumption and electricity consumption and the dependencies between them and their connection and construction in a model. The model of energy efficiency of HEV gives a quantitative assessment of the fuel consumption and the consumption (regeneration) of electricity of HEV, according to the main influencing parameters. In addition, the HEV energy efficiency model indicates the influencing parameters and their analytical or experimental determination. The correct modelling of energy efficiency is related to the correct determination of energy parameters and their logical connection in a selected model. The optimal model of energy efficiency of HEV is built from these factors that can be directly measured or calculated, which increases the accuracy and reliability of the results. This article discusses building an energy efficiency model of a hybrid electric vehicle.



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