The crowning of the historic aspirations of European integration, means that the Tirana-Durrës region should be able to compete as equal with other regions in Europe. So, on the one hand, the opportunities for its economic development will increase, but on the other hand, competition will intensify with other regions. This will require economic sophistication in the Tirana – Durres area, which will also be a challenge for the next decade. On the road to becoming one of the Balkans Hub, among the main objectives remain: improving infrastructure and mobility in the Region, increased competition, improving the quality of life, protection and rational utilization of natural resources. Although competitive advantage at national level has been enormous compared to other regions, at the Balkan and European levels, this advantage is lesser and controversial. Consequently, it is necessary to create a platform on which it is based d evelopment and increase the competitiveness with the regions around our country. Seeing that road networks have heavy traffic, other modes of transport and their coordination need to take on a growing role. An efficient policy in this regard would be the construction of a Freight Transport Interport, with a contemporary logistics and integrated with Intelligent Transport Systems[1]. This would be a new junction in the supply chain and would provide a solution to transport systems, developing in full harmony the interaction of Road, Rail and Maritime Transport infrastructure. In addition to the study of the respective legal framework that would support the planned interventions for the realization of ITMTD, this paper presents the results of the SWOT analysis as a recognized way of identifying, comparing and evaluating the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of a project.