Creation and implementation of an industrial prototype of the ptcs device in production

  • 1 Kazakh National Agrarian University, Research and production Center of resource saving technologies «SAPA»


There are growing appeals for the tilting chamber (TC) technology equipped with the “PTC-S” device, which is a profound improvement of the technology of mechanized harvesting of cereals, fodder and oilseeds; and other existing technologies in the field of transportation of beveled crop into the threshing and shredding chamber, etc. That is why TC equipped with “PTC-S” refers to the new generation of working tools for transporting the crop from the harvester or pick-up to the threshing and separating device of the harvesting machine. The development has significant advantages, among which the main ones are: a significant increase in energy efficiency, reduction of quantitative and qualitative grain losses during harvesting, etc.



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