Changes in the agrochemical status of Haplic Vertisols depending on the agro-technical measures

  • 1 Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection "N. Poushkarov"


By assessing basic agro-technical factors, optimal decisions can be made for good agricultural practice on soils with heavy mechanical composition, such as the Haplic Vertisols.
The aim of the study is to identify the changes in the agrochemical status of Haplic Vertisols that occur under the influence of applied agro-technical measures.
For the achievement of the purpose in the period 2016 -2019, a field trials, based on the block method in the Sofia Region on a Haplic Vertisols were carried out.
The applied fertilization mainly affects the content of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen, the phosphorus forms remain with low values, it is clearly necessary to raise the norm and with a methodical approach it is necessary to achieve a sustainable level of absorbed phosphates. The content of the absorbed potassium is still satisfactory, and based on the data from the analysis, its reduction and export with the produced products are smaller.



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