Analysis of the eco-indicators for bulgaria and opportunities for their improvement through the sectors of the green economy

  • 1 Business Faculty – University of Food Technology -Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Protecting the environment is vital to keeping life on the planet as we know it. Climate change is a global challenge with a clear complex nature in various aspects – environmental, social, technological, economic and political. At the international and national level, climate change policy is implemented mainly in two directions: 1. climate change mitigation through measures and activities to reduce greenhouse gases and 2. adaptation to the inevitable climate change by assessing risks and mitigation activities of their imp act. Implementing these policies requires investment in new technologies and the integration of climate challenges into green sectoral policies at national and local levels.The purpose of this report is to study the state of environmental indicators for Bulgaria and their development dynamics over the last decade. The results reveal the sectors with the strongest influence on the ecological condition of the country an d the directions for its improvement.



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