Methods of artificial intelligence for cyber-physical systems

  • 1 Dept. of Industrial Automation, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2 Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria


Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are the core of the Fourth industrial revolution and the Industry 4.0 initiative. They are facing many challenges, addressing them requires attracting and using new methods and techniques from the field of artificial intelligence and big data to make intelligent decisions and perform effective data analysis. Тhe paper presents an analyze of the current trends and challenges in the development of cyber-physical systems and the ever-increasing interest in the methods and approaches of artificial intelligence and its application in the life cycle phases of design, analysis, implementation and maintenance of CPS. There are two aspects that are the focus of attention and analysis: (1) the computing by intelligence and (2) the computing for intelligence. Finally some ideas for using different methods and approaches of artificial intelligence for achieving interoperability and autonomy of CPS are proposed.



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