Conceptual model for assessing the digital maturity of the production system
- 1 Faculty of Management, Department IIIM, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
The intensity of technology development that we have witnessed in recent years has changed the expectations and attitudes of customers, as well as their understanding of value, and is becoming the new leading factor in the development of the industry. A retrospective of industrial production shows that all stages of change and development that it has gone through are stimulated precisely by the desire to meet the demand, expectations and needs of customers. In this sense, industrial enterprises around the world are clearly aware of the need for change. They should review their current production and sales strategies and focus their attention and efforts on building dynamic production models that will allow them to continue to operate successfully in a highly competitive market environment and changing customer requirements. Digitalization plays a key role in this new scenario in which industrial enterprises must fit in today. Digital technologies and the opportunities they create are the main driving force for the necessary radical change, which companies must rely on in order to increase their efficiency and, respectively, to maintain their competitiveness. This publication presents a conceptual model for assessing the digital maturity of the production system of the industrial enterprise.
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