Adiabatical thermodynamic manner of the description of the carbon dioxide pollutant excess of Earth’s atmosphere

  • 1 Univers ity “Pr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas Faculty of Real Sciences, Department of Physics and Mathematics


The problem of study of the atmospheric state with the accumulation of polluting gases in the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activity is very actually. One of the major polluting gases at large ratios is carbon dioxide. The recent study aims to obtain a quantitative expression of the variation of the atmospheric temperature as the result of the variations of carbon dioxide con centrations. It is known that the state of the atmospheric gas is described approximately by the model of the ideal gas. As the altitude increases, the gas pressure and the temperature in the troposphere decrease. The adiabatic constant of atmospheric air can be found from the adiabatic equation which is based on the ideal gas model. The natural logarithm of the pressure depending on the natural logarithm of the temperature allows the determination of this adiabatic constant. The obtained result coincides within the limits of the real ones, fact that denotes the correctness of the application of the ideal gas model. The known data of the pressure as a function of height allow to determine the fictive molar mass of the atmospheric gas from the dependence of the natural logarithm of pressure as a function of the a ltitudes and the result of the fictive molar mass coincides within the limits of the real ones. NASA observatories periodically record from the 1980s until now the permanent increase of the average temperature of the atmosphere with a speed of the order of (0,02 oC/year) and of the concomitant increasing of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This fact currently concludes that the increase of global average temperature is influenced by the increase of the concentration of carbon dioxide. These concomitant increases allow to elaborate one empirical expression of the variation of the global average temperature depending on the variation of the carbon dioxide concentration. The obtaining of this empirical expression is based on the equation of state of the ideal gas and also on the adiaba tic equation. The graphical representation of the temperature variation as a function of the concentration variation allows the recalculation of the adia batic constant of the atmospheric air which value is within the limits of the real ones and denotes the validity and correctness of the suggested method. The recalculated values of the temperature variation according to the empirical formula must coincide with the real ones recorded. The coincidence is confirmed by the functional dependence ΔTe = f (ΔT). In order to ascertain the average speed of accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the graph of the dependence ΔC = f (time) is represented which proportionality coefficient is the accumulation speed of order (3,833 mg / m3/ year).



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