Investigation of the causes of defects in rolling balls at the 30-60 ball rolling mill of the Sokolov-Sarbay mining and processing production association and search for solutions to eliminate them

  • 1 Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Kazakhstan


The main consumers of grinding balls are mining, metallurgical, cement and energy industries. In these industries one of the main and very common operations is the grinding of various materials. Rolled steel balls are mainly produced by plastic deformation on crossscrew rolling mills. Technological limitations of increasing the hardness groups and the wear resistance of the balls currently available at the Metal Rolling plant of JSC “Sokolov-Sarbay mining and processing production association” (MRP JSC “SSGPO”), and they do not allow currently to quickly improve their quality. But at the same time, if the quality of finished products is improved, the MRP JSC “SSGPO” may have the opportunity to sell balls not only between its enterprises, but also to the domestic market, as well as the opportunity to develop export sales of balls to the countries of near and far abroad. Therefore, this paper presents the results of the study of the main causes of defects at the ball rolling mill 30-60 of metal rolling plant JSC “SSGPO” and the search for their exclusion



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